Avionics International: Will LEO Change the Paradigm of IFC Service ?

NSR said that LEO models may give way to third party partnerships, in which a company like Fortnite, Minecraft, or a real-time chat application, partners with an airline to pay for the LEO service to promote their offering. Overall, NSR said that airlines will have to weigh their needs when it comes to route map,.

LightReading: Satellites poised to join 5G network topology

NSR discusses how Satellite is poised to join 5G Network Topology. [They] explained how companies like Iridium and Inmarsat are particularly interested in the prospect of NTN in Release 17 because they hold spectrum between 1.5GHz and 2.5GHz – in the so-called L-band and S-band – that could be added to existing 5G networks.

The Ground Segment Di(LEO)mma

LEOs are transforming the satellite industry, and the ground segment is no different. While the opportunity for equipment vendors is massive, it is not absent of risks. Non-GEOs will certainly unlock new areas of growth where equipment vendors can capture a portion of the value.  However, participating in the NGSO ecosystem requires heavy R&D efforts.

NSR Report: In-Orbit Satellite Servicing & Space Situational Awareness Represent a $6.2 Billion Opportunity

GEO Life Extension and LEO De-Orbiting Drive Revenue, while Active Debris Removal and Space Situational Awareness Expand Market  Cambridge, MA – NSR’s In-Orbit Servicing & Space Situational Awareness Markets, 4th Edition (IOSM4) report, released today, forecasts In-Orbit Satellite services (IoS) cumulative revenues of $6.2 billion by 2030. While growth is anticipated across all applications, GEO Satellite Life Extension is expected to generate the largest portion of revenues due to the sheer number of satellites expected to use this service.   NSR’s IoSM4 also sees.