Adding Value When Capacity Commoditizes

In the traditional satcom business case dominated by video, the satellite and the orbital position were the core differentiators (multicast advantage, platform effects on DTH and Video Distribution). However, in a world that is increasingly dominated by data, raw satellite capacity is commoditizing and the new entities driving growth are networks. This has tremendous implications.

Can Satellite Broadband Support the Streaming Wave?

Video is that largest consumer of bandwidth today and will increase exponentially over the long term –streaming video that is, not linear TV. As the industry moves from video in terms of cord-cutting to streaming data, the satellite play is still unclear when it comes to supporting services such as Netflix or Hulu. Today, there.

Satellite broadband worth $159bn by 2028

Article by Chris Forrester in Advanced Television – The cumulative value of satellite-delivered broadband will be worth some $159 billion over the next 10 years, according to a report from Northern Sky Research (NSR). Video traffic will drive much of the growth.

Forrester Reports: Satellite-Driven Broadband to Drive $159 Billion Over the Next Ten Years

Journalist Chris Forrester has posted at the Advanced Television info site that the cumulative value of satellite-delivered broadband will be worth some $159 billion over the next 10 years, according to a report from Northern Sky Research (NSR) — video traffic will drive much of the growth. Over the next decade, NSR says that satellite broadband and its related VSAT.